Ostrom Enders Ornithology Research Travel Grant

One or more research grants of up to $5,000 are awarded annually to individual(s) whose research with The Watkinson Library’s ornithology holdings will lead to a book, article, dissertation, online exhibit or other substantive product. The recipient will make a presentation about his/her research at Trinity College.

The comprehensive Ostrom and Alice Talcott Enders Ornithology Collection (ca. 8,000 titles) includes holdings of both historic and contemporary works on birds, many beautifully illustrated with original graphics, and full runs of the major ornithological periodicals in English, such as the Auk, Condor, Ibis, and Wilson Bulletin. Major foreign language journals include a complete run of the Journal for Ornithologie. The collection also includes manuscript holdings and original artwork. Through its endowment, the Enders Collection continues to grow systematically.

The Gurdon Russell Collection of natural history includes classic works from the 18th and 19th century, among them the engraver Havell’s copy of Audubon’s Birds of America and first and third editions of Mark Catesby’s Natural History of the Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. The Library also has a notable collection of historic botanical books from the 16th through the 19th centuries.

The Ostrom Enders Ornithology Research Grant honors Ostrom Enders and his interests in ornithology. Faculty, graduate students, upper-level undergraduates and recognized independent scholars and artists are encouraged to apply.

To be considered for the Ostrom Enders Ornithology Research Travel Grant, applicants should submit:

  • A statement of intent explaining the proposed research, including its scholarly significance and relevance to the ornithology holdings (250 words or less)
  • A résumé
  • A travel budget that includes length of stay

Applications for the research grant will be accepted on a rolling basis. The stipends must be used within one year of acceptance.

Please submit all required materials as a single PDF and email it to Christina Bleyer, christina.bleyer@trincoll.edu (please indicate in the subject line that the e-mail is an Ostrom Enders Ornithology Research Travel Grant).

For more information, contact The Watkinson Library by email at watkinson@trincoll.edu or by phone at 860-297-2268.